Find support and information to help you manage Type 1 Diabetes.
Finding information on the internet can be a bit bewildering. Some of it is good. Some of it is utter nonsense - but how can you tell which is which?
Many people find interacting online with others living with type 1 diabetes can help them feel less isolated and to face the daily ups and downs of living with a long term health condition, but it can be hard to know where to start, or understand what all this Social Media stuff is all about.
Well if you want to know your cinnamon from your analogue insulin, and your FaceTwit from your WhatsBlog, then you have come to the right place. has been put together by people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals to offer a selection of valuable resources that have been reviewed and agreed to be helpful, informative and to offer good support. Find out more about who is involved and how we review these resources, or simply jump in.
Latest resources
Beat HelpFinder
A list of local eating disorder services - not diabetes specific.
Added/Updated: 04/02/2022
Diabetics With Eating Disorders…
Complex Care Plan. DWED - Diabetics With Eating Disorders is a charity providing support, advocacy and training for people…
Added/Updated: 04/02/2022
Diabetes and Tech Dictionary
Diabetes technology can be baffling. In particular, conversations about new and emerging technologies can quickly consist almost entirely of code words and acronyms. Thanks to our wonderful Kev Winchcombe there is now a comprehensive list of terms and meanings here to help you sort your AAPS from your zero temp.